EPROM emulator 2716 to 27128 USB kit with all components ( except Batt. 3/V80H-243 and Tantal 10µF/16V ).
circuit board equipped with USB interface.
IC's, capacitors, resistors, 3 x 28pol. DIL socket 15.24mm, 1 x 28pol. DIL-socket 7.62mm, crystal, jumper.
Programmed microcontroller ( ATmega168, ATmega88, ATmega48 oder ATmega328 ), LED's.
Ribbon cable DIL adapter 2 x 28-pin. SRAM is not included, can be ordered with it (Art. No. 001318)
Software for Windows for download incl.
EPROM-EMU-USB_V08.PDF ( Improvement of the documentation update 19.11.2019)
Software-EPROM-EMU_V08.zip ( Software Hexupload und Firmware Mikrocontroller 20.11.2019 )
Current software for the EPROM emulator.
Firmware for microcontroller and upload software.
The following microcontrollers are supported: ATmega8, ATmega48, ATmega88, ATmega168 and ATmega328P.
For each microcontroller there is a firmware for the following crystal frequencies and baud rates:
Crystal: 11,059200 MHz and 14,745600 MHz
Baudrate: 115200 1-StopBit, 230400 2-StopBit, 460800 2-StopBit
Crystal: 11,059200 MHz, 14,745600 MHz, 18,432000 MHz
Baudrate: 115200 1-StopBit, 230400 2-StopBit, 460800 2-StopBit
Crystal: 11,059200 MHz, 14,745600 MHz, 18,432000 MHz
Baudrate: 115200 1-StopBit, 230400 2-StopBit, 460800 2-StopBit
Crystal: 11,059200 MHz, 14,745600 MHz, 18,432000 MHz
Baudrate: 115200 1-StopBit, 230400 2-StopBit, 460800 2-StopBit
Crystal: 11,059200 MHz, 14,745600 MHz, 18,432000 MHz
Baudrate: 115200 1-StopBit, 230400 2-StopBit, 460800 2-StopBit
Upload software now with BIN file and HEX file.
Bug fix for EMU controller. Bug Fix for Hexupload.
New version 20.11.2019.
CH340-Driver.zip ( driver for CH340 WIN, Linux, MAC )
STL files for printing a suitable housing Rev2: