Kit DCF77 receiver with A4510D ( better input stage ) (TCA4510)
You have the possibility to put together the kit yourself:
Bare Circuit Board: We then only deliver the circuit board without components.
coil 3911: We deliver the circuit board with the 3911 mini filter
coil 3910: We deliver the circuit board with the 3910 mini filter
IC, FET, coil 3910 and Transistor: We deliver the circuit board, mini filter 3910, JFET, A4510D, B176D and BC548.
IC, FET, coil 3911 and Transistor: We deliver the circuit board, mini filter 3911, JFET, A4510D, B176D and BC548.
Complete kit: We supply all electronic components for this kit. (Variant 3911 or 3910 depending on availability.)
the complete kit is available again!
The kit contains all electronic components according to parts list.
bare printed circuit board and filter 3910 or 3911
A4510D, B176, Resistors, Capacitors, JFET, Transistor, Elkos, LED.
Delivered without DCF77 antenna!
It cannot be guaranteed that this receiver circuit will provide sufficient reception outside of Germany or at a greater distance. !
Documents with circuit, equipment, parts list.
DCF-77-A4510-03-3911.PDF new documentation 25.07.2020
DCF-77-A4510-03-3910.PDF new documentation 25.07.2020
DCF-77-A4510-03-3910-SST4416.PDF new documentation 25.07.2020 ( Variant for SMD - JFET SST4416 )